Advanced computerized Plastometer to determine the flow rate (melt index) in thermoplastic materials by means of the volumetric method according to ASTM D 1238 and ISO 1133 Methods A (GRAVIMETRIC) and B (VOLUMETRIC) to determinate the Melt Flow Index.
- Computerized by Software of Melt Flow Index (All in One PC 20” is included in the delivery)
- Manually Weighing Testing System
- Low Cost – Robust Design of great Rigidity
- All in One PC 20” with SOFTWARE compatible with Windows 8
- Automatic cutting System of samples
- Temperature Controller (maintain +/- 0,1ºC)
- Test equipment ready to work with corrosive materials such as PVC
- Melt Flow Indexer for Thermoplastic Materials MFI-500 / AP with 20 “All-in-One PC + MFI Software Methods (Volumetric and Gravimetric)
- The standard equipment includes all standard work-cleaning tools, piston and nozzle.
- Controller with temperature range up to 325ºC with a resolution of 0.1ºC
- Digital Stopwatch: with a range of up to 9999 seconds with sound alarm programming.
- Automatic sample cutting system
- Complete set of chromed and polished weights included in the supply: 1.2 Kg – 2.16 Kg – 3.8 Kg – 5 Kg – 5 Kg – 6.6 Kg and 10 Kg (* The weight of 21.6 kg is a combination of the weights of 5 kg, 6.6 kg and 10 kg)
Accessories included in the standard supply: Tungsten Carbide Nozzle, Piston, pellet for grabs, wrench, sample insert in the heater drum, material feeder, funnel, heater cleaner, tweezers, nozzle cleaner.